Mixtape Hope

The Revivalists’ David Shaw

Drs. Luis and Andrea Espinoza Season 3 Episode 8
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00:00 | 36:13

David Shaw takes some time out of the busy life of music, songwriting, producing, performing, preparing for a tour and much more to just BE in the NOW. 
His career with The Revivalists  as well as a solo album released in 2020-2021 has been a journey which continues to inspire and motivate! 
Making New Orleans his home, David continues to plant seeds reflecting his passion for music, creativity, self care, family, friendships and most of all-giving back to his community. 

Seeing The Revivalists live is epic -and truly unforgettable! 

Thank you David for your time, teaching and energy! 
You are a gift of art and soul to the world! 
