Mixtape Hope
An interactive Podcast. Luis and Andrea interview musicians, songwriters, music producers, festival hosts and an array of others in the music industry to gain insight into their perspective of music as a HEALING entity. They "breakdown" lyrics and the meaning and emotion of certain songs. They are authentic in sharing how music transformed moments in in their lives as parents, siblings, as a married couple and even (especially) as physicians. They ask the "why" as well as the "how" as they step into a journey of music's healing powers!
Mixtape Hope
Bill Rayner - Professor in the Music Performance Dept at NYU
Bill Rayner,
Friends call him “Billy Rock” and his students call him professor!
We have the privilege of speaking to someone who has TRULY made music his life!
Teaching, composing, playing and performing music embodies all that he loves.
So relatable and wise, NYU students look forward to his classes!
We find out why!
Check him out!